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Santa Susana Student Handbook

Parents Rights Handbook-English

Parents Rights Handbook-Spanish

Zero Tolerance

According to Education Code 48915, students possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing any knife, gun, explosive device or other dangerous object at school or school activities off school grounds shall be subject to discipline up to, and including, expulsion, consistent with district policies and regulations, as well as state and federal law. By law, the principal must then file expulsion papers with the school district for any of the above listed offenses.

Any student who possesses toy or imitation firearms, knives, explosive devices or dangerous objects at a school or school activities off school grounds will be subject to discipline, up to and including suspension or expulsion.

Discipline Policy 

Misbehavior may result in the following disciplinary action:

  • Assignment of litter collection
  • Detention
  • Being sent home for the rest of the day, and/or suspension for one or more days.
  • Acts designed to inflict injury on another person or property will result in being sent home for the rest of the day or suspension.

General Rules and Information

Emergency Information

In the event of any emergency, it is critical that your child's current emergency information be updated in Aeries AND on-file in our office.  The emergency contacts you provide for us--including yourselves and any friends/family members listed--are called in the event of an emergency. If any changes to this information occur during the school year, please advise the school office in writing. Up-to-date information is essential for your child's safety.

Medication at School

Any medication taken at school must be:

  • Prescribed by a physician.
  • Delivered to school in the prescription container by the parent.
  • Accompanied by a medication form signed by the physician and parent.
  • Kept in the school office under lock and key.


Regular attendance is essential for your student's academic achievement. It is also important that every student arrives on time and ready to learn. We ask that whenever possible, parents schedule appointments for their children after school is dismissed in order to lessen the negative impact on their instructional time.

Parking Lot Safety

The parking lot is often congested, especially at arrival and dismissal times. Rainy days cause even more problems. It is very important that everyone driving in and around our school obeys all traffic laws and is alert and careful of small children.

  • You can help us to keep your child(ren) safe by teaching them to always use the sidewalks when walking to and from school.
  • Please DO NOT park or stop in the RED ZONE, the BUS ZONE, or the NO PARKING areas. These areas are for the school buses and emergency vehicle access.
  • Stopping in the traffic lane of the parking lot WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.
  • Prearrange a meeting place with your child(ren) on rainy days to help ease much of the congestion in the parking lot.

Bicycle Safety Rules

  • Bicycles may be ridden to school by students in Grade 3, 4, and 5.
  • Riders are required to wear a helmet by state law.
  • When on the school grounds, students must walk, not ride, their bikes.
  • Bike riders must know and obey traffic rules when they ride to and from school.
  • Bicycles are to be taken directly to the bike rack and locked up with a substantial lock and cable or chain.

Bicycle Permit Form-English

Bicycle Permit Form-Spanish

Lost and Found

  • Property should be marked with student's name for identification. Use permanent marking pens.
  • Unmarked items found (clothing, lunch pails, and backpacks) are put in the "Lost and Found" container in the cafeteria.
  • Keys, money, glasses and/or other valuables are kept in the office manager's desk. Students should ask the office staff about these types of items.

Homework Policy

Homework is work assigned by the teacher to be completed by the student outside of the classroom. Homework may include:

  • Finished work not completed in class.
  • Revising, correcting, or refining work done previously that needs more work.
  • Practice, enrichment, extension activities.

Purposes and Goals of Homework include:

  • Extending and reinforcing classroom learning.
  • Developing sound study habits and self-discipline.
  • Contributing to students' development of skills, creativity, and satisfaction in learning.
  • Involving parents with their child's schoolwork.

The amount, length, and kind of homework assignments will be the teacher's decision, but as a general rule, homework will be assigned regularly in all grades Monday through Thursday. Approximate guidelines are as follows:

Grades Kindergarten, 1 & 2: 15 to 30 minutes
Grades 3 & 4: 30 to 45 minutes
Grade 5: 45 to 60 minutes


Student Absences

Parent(s)/guardian(s) must notify the school in writing or by phone if a student has been absent or tardy for any reason. This notification must happen within 5 days of the absence, or the student's absence will be marked "unexcused."

Early Pick-Up

  • If you must pick-up your child from school before dismissal, please come to the office.
  • Leave ample time for us to call your student out of the classroom. 
  • Students will not be called until parent arrives. 
  • A designated adult/emergency contact must sign student out.
  • Be prepared to show proper identification to office staff.
  • If your student returns to school during the day, they must go through school office.

Authorization for Medication During School Hours

Medication Policy

Medications will not be dispensed by school personnel until all forms required by law are completed. Medication shall be brought to the school by an adult and given to the office staff. Medicine must be in a container labeled with the student’s name, prescription name, dosage, and directions for dispensing.

To provide us with authorization for medication to be administered to your student during the school day, please complete the "Authorization for Medication During School Hours" above for and return it to the school office.

Readmission After Accident

Readmission After Accident-SPANISH

Casts & Crutches

Students may not wear ANY casts, crutches, braces, wraps, splints or other apparatus without a doctor’s note. If your physician prescribes crutches, casts, orthopedic appliances, etc., parent(s) and your physician must sign appropriate release forms.

Cell Phones (Electronic Signaling Devices)
SVUSD Board Policy 5131.12(a)

Except in the case of an immediate emergency, students shall not use electronic signaling devices during instructional time or in a setting which may interfere with any school program.

All electronic signaling devices (cell phones) are to be turned off in the classroom and during school activities. This includes the vibrate or silent mode for cellular telephones.

Cellular telephones and/or pagers must remain in the student's backpack or other secured area during the course of the school day. Electronic signaling devices shall not be visible while school is in session unless permission to use the device has been given.

Students shall follow any additional guidelines developed by school staff regarding the use of cellular telephones on the school campus.