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Homework (BP/AR 6145)

Students may receive homework on a regular basis. Time required may vary according to the grade level. The principal and staff at each school shall develop an overall school homework plan reflective of district policy. Each teacher shall develop a homework plan which includes specific guidelines for the assignment of homework. The plan shall provide parents/guardians with information as to how much time on homework will be expected and how homework relates to the student's grades. Teachers have the responsibility to instruct students on how to develop good study techniques, study habits and the skills needed to complete homework assignments such as reports and research.

Homework for Elementary Grades

  • Students should be expected to spend an average of  30 minutes daily on homework at the primary level and an average of 45 minutes daily at the intermediate level (4-6), four or five days a week.
  • Kindergarten homework assignments should stimulate students to talk often with their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians are encouraged to read to their children.
  • Homework assignments in grades 1-3 should promote the development of skills and encourage family participation.
  • In grades 4-6, homework should continue to reinforce skill development and encourage family participation.  Assignments should help develop good personal study habits and may include occasional special projects.  
  • Homework assignments should not require use of the Internet or other specialized materials unless sufficient time is allowed for students to access such resources from the library or another source.
  • Homework Help: Each student should have a specific time each day for home study.  Teachers will develop a homework plan which includes specific guidelines for the assignment of homework.  In addition to homework assignments, children should spend time reading or being read to every day.  For your child to be successful with homework, he/she needs:
  1. A place to do homework.  If possible, your child should do his/her homework in the same place each night (an uncluttered, quiet space to study).
  2. A schedule for completing homework. Set a homework schedule that fits in with each week’s particular activities.
  3. Encouragement, motivation, and prompting.  It is not a good idea to sit with your child and do homework with him/her. Your child needs to practice independently and to apply what he/she has learned in class.  If your child consistently cannot complete homework assignments alone, please contact the teacher.
  4. Understanding of the knowledge. When your child is practicing a skill, ask which steps he/she finds difficult and easy and how he/she plans to improve speed and accuracy with the skill. If your child is working on a project, ask what knowledge he/she is using to complete the work. If your child consistently cannot answer these questions, please contact the teacher.  In intermediate grades, if your child is working on a long-term multi-step project, help them break the task into smaller tasks with interim deadlines.
  5. Reasonable time expectations.  If your child seems to be spending too much time each night on homework, please contact the teacher.
  6. At bedtime. When it is time to go to bed, please stop your child, even if he has not finished the homework.