24-25 Executive Board
President: Tracy Olson
First VP: Shawna Hendrickson
Secretary: Karina Lopez Chavez
Treasurer: Brooke Alfaro
Auditor: Gen De Guzman
Historian: Jackie Cosgrove
Programs: Julie Milan
Ways and Means: Ashly Mancia
Membership: Jessica Leon
Social Media: Jen Davis
Contact Information
Please contact the PTA Executive Board by email with any questions or if you would like to volunteer.
Membership dues can be paid by visiting the online TOTEM Membership System here, or by using the membership envelopes that will be sent home at the beginning of the school year. Additional envelopes will be made available in the school office throughout the year.
Important PTA Links!
PTA Instagram:
PTA Facebook:
Join Zoom Meetings:
Meeting ID: 965 1636 7336
Passcode: 715454
Nominating Committee 25-26
The Nominating Committee was nominated at our last association meeting. They will work to present a slate of officers for next year's board. If you are interested in a board position for next year, please reach out to our PTA President, Tracy Olson.
Nominating Committee Members for the 25-26 Elections:
Heather Heit
Jessica Leon
Karina Lopez Chavez
Alternate- Gen De Guzman
All families are encouraged to join our Parent Teacher Association. The dues are $6.00 per person. PTA is responsible for a variety of assemblies and family events. If you are interested in volunteering at events, please visit the office.
Please join our PTA by clicking the link below. You can also join at school, using a membership envelope. We appreciate your support!
Honorary Service Awards
Each year our school PTA selects members of our school community with the Honorary Service Award to recognize individuals and organizations for outstanding service to children and youth.
2024 HSA Awards
Jackie Cosgrove- Continuing Service Award
Karina Lopez Chavez- Continuing Service Award
Mr. Alex, City Crossing Guard- Honorary Service Award